Organic Vegetable Gardening – Tips For Success

Organic vegetable gardening refers to the practice of cultivating vegetables without using synthetic pesticides or fertilizers. Organic farming avoids the use of chemical fertilizers, herbicides, and pesticides. Organic vegetable gardening encourages and improves natural biological cycles and natural diversity in the field. Instead of depending on synthetic pesticides and fertilizers, organic vegetable gardening relies on making the entire farm self-sufficient and eco-friendly. This is achieved through soil management practices. The most important tools for successful organic vegetable gardening is the soil, tools and equipment.
When starting with organic vegetable gardening, it is best to first get help from a professional. The soil management techniques that need to be used are completely different from those needed when using synthetic pesticides. Therefore, getting help from a professional will ensure that the techniques being used are effective and do not pose any harm to the environment. Some many books and videos provide valuable advice and information for organic vegetable gardening.
A lot of research has been carried out to find the best-growing conditions for different organic vegetables. Some of the crops that grow well are those that are resistant to insects, bugs, and fungal diseases. Different types of weeds also have specific strategies for survival. Soil type, the amount of sunlight it receives, and how well it is watered all play an important role in the productivity of the crop. Some of the vegetables that grow well in organic farming are tomatoes, potatoes, peppers, squash, broccoli, and carrots. Some of the vegetables that are difficult to grow are iceberg lettuce and cabbage.

Gardening Methods
There are many types of organic vegetable gardening methods that can be adopted. Many farmers choose to implement organic farming techniques that involve intercropping. This means dividing an area into several patches so that different vegetables can grow. If you are looking to grow a large range of vegetables, it is advisable to intercropped your garden.
Some organic farmers grow their crops in beds. These are made up of strips of land which are divided into smaller sections. Each of these plants grows alongside its neighbours, thus providing excellent nutrition to the entire crop. Beds are great if you are looking to plant a few select varieties of vegetables, but they often do not yield as well as intercropped beds.
Soil and Pests
Organic vegetables are often grown in soil that is either sand or compost. These products break down the chemical compounds that make up most fertilizers, thereby reducing the number of toxic chemicals that are used in fertilizing crops. Sandy soils hold water, which makes it a perfect growing medium for some plants while leaving other crops struggling for moisture. Composting your vegetables provides a healthy environment for the crops and makes them less attractive to pests, insects and rodents. The result is less insect infestation, less weed growth and less plant disease.
When it comes to protecting your garden from pests and natural events, cover crops are a great way to achieve both goals. A cover crop shields a garden from marauding insects. If there are pests present in your garden, weeds will often try to take their share by invading your bed. Cover crops will deter this unwanted neighbour from setting up shop. Also, weeds are unable to climb and spread on cover crops, thus helping to keep weed growth under control.
Finally, compost is a great way to restore the nutrients to your soil. Making your compost has two benefits: first, you will be adding the minerals and vitamins that are naturally found in organic matter and second, you will be adding to the nitrogen content of your soil, which will help your plants to thrive. It does take some work to create a compost pile, but it is worth the effort because of the benefit you will receive in the end. Organic vegetable gardening can make your garden a beautiful, healthy place to live and work.…